Industrial machinery, construction equipment, and commercial fleets take a beating from dirt, grease, and grime. Keeping them clean isn’t just about looks—it’s about performance, efficiency, and longevity. At Dirty Deeds Services, we provide professional fleet and heavy equipment washing to help your vehicles and machinery operate at peak efficiency while maintaining a clean and professional appearance. Our high-powered pressure washing techniques and degreasers remove tough grime, oil, and contaminants without damaging paint, decals, or sensitive components.
Regular cleaning of your fleet and heavy machinery reduces maintenance costs, prevents corrosion, and extends the life of your equipment. Whether you manage a fleet of trucks, operate construction vehicles, or run an industrial facility, our cleaning solutions help keep your assets in top condition
Keeps machinery running efficiently and prevents overheating.
Reduces wear and tear by eliminating corrosive buildup.
A clean fleet improves your company's image and reputation.
If you’re not happy, we’ll make it right.
We use industry-leading cleaning techniques tailored to the specific needs of your fleet, heavy machinery, and industrial surfaces.
Identify problem areas and select the safest cleaning method.
Break down stubborn grease, oil, and grime.
Remove deep-set dirt without damaging sensitive components.
Focus on hard-to-reach areas, wheels, undercarriages, and exhaust systems.
Ensure a spotless, professional finish.
From construction vehicles to delivery trucks, we provide expert cleaning services tailored to your industry.
Don’t let dirt and grime slow down your operations. Contact Dirty Deeds Services today for professional fleet and heavy equipment cleaning that protects your investment and keeps your company looking its best.
We keep kitchens fire-safe and properties spotless with expert cleaning solutions that protect your business and brighten your home.